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...growing and glowing...

The Terrill Papers report, “About the time Rutherford B. Hayes was elected President of the United States in 1876 and withdrew the federal troops out of the South, leaving helpless free Negroes in the hands of mean former slave owners, Reverend Jesse Davis was selected as pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church to lead God’s chosen people.”  The author observes that despite severe oppression and obstacles, Zion Hill continued to “grow and glow” under the leadership of its second pastor.   The document further describes how members endured during the tumultuous period: “Dodging night riders, paddy rollers and mobs and the Ku Klux Klan, our fore parents continued to pray and worship God—looking forward to a brighter day.  Under the severe strain of the times, Reverend Jesse Davis was stricken with a serious illness and died.  Thus ended a fruitful ministry.”

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