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Ministries that serve to meet the spiritual needs of the Zion Hill congregation and community at-large.

Evangelism Ministries


CONNECTED.COMMUNITY ONLINE MINISTRY (C.COM) helps sisters and brothers who primarily attend online services to stay connected.

​COORDINATORS: Rev. Dennis Brown and Rev. Tiffani Douglas

​OUTREACH: Zion Hill Congregation

Ministers Fellowship

Provides an opportunity for fellowship among members of the church who hap- pen to be licensed and/or ordained ministers.

​COORDINATOR: Pastor Aaron L. Parker


​OUTREACH: Downtown Atlanta Mission

School of Love, Learning & Service

(S.O.L.L.A.S.) is a ministry that provides Christian teaching for people of all ages.


Rev. Dr. Ralph Watkins, Jr.

SUPERINTENDENT: Bro. Michael Bazemore

​OUTREACH: Zion Hill Church Family and Community

Deaconess Ministry

A group of women (usually the wife of a Deacon) who assist the Pastor and the Deacons Ministry in caring for the needs of the Zion Hill Church family.

PRESIDENT: Sis. Geraldine Chennault

​OUTREACH: Carrie Steele-Pitts Home, Inc.

Missionary Ministry

Promotes Christian missions through a program of mission study, prayer, community missions and stewardship.

​COORDINATOR: Sis. Mary Humphrey

​OUTREACH: My Sister’s House

Deacons Ministry

(Appointed): Performs a variety of services, including care of the sick and otherwise infirmed. One can become a deacon by a vote of the entire congregation.

​COORDINATOR: Dea. Tantalous A. Smith

​OUTREACH: Zion Hill Elderly & Congregation

Mothers of the Church Ministry

A ministry for senior women who serve as Christian role models, nurturers, and mentors for other members of the church.

​COORDINATOR: Dr. Beverly McCray


Evangelism Ministry

A group of believers striving to help build God’s kingdom on earth through leading others to Christ.

​COORDINATOR: Sis. Simone Pickett-Wilson

​OUTREACH: Summerset Assisted Living

Prayer Ministry

A group of believers who hold regular and special times of prayer and who constantly pray for the congregation.

​COORDINATOR: Rev. Gloria Wilson


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