Social and Spiritual networking support provided to promote brotherhood & sisterhood among the members (ages 18 and up) of Zion Hill.
Adult Ministries
Brotherhood Ministry
A ministry of men (18 yrs. and older) at Zion Hill who work together to strengthen the family unit, community and church through fellowship and service.
Bro. Albert Bynoe (Interim)
Fulton Leadership Academy Robotics & Aviation
Singles Ministry
A ministry that provides a framework in which single believers can develop spiritually.
Carrie Steele-Pitts Home, Inc.
Hagar Ministry (Single Mothers)
An assembly of sisters who provide encouragement, information and spiritual and emotional support for single mothers.
Sis. Kathy Thomas
Sisters In Sync Women's
Ministry (S.I.S.)
Promotes sisterhood among the women (ages 18 and up) of Zion Hill.
Sis. Tina Wright
Summerset Assisted Living
ONI (Young Adult Ministry)
As the young adult ministry, we try to ensure that each of our activities express our love and service to others within our church community, outside of it and between ourselves.
Bro. Simeon Hendricks
Atlanta Homeless